finished initial implementation

This commit is contained in:
Rudis Muiznieks 2020-07-17 21:36:12 -05:00
parent 2833b882d2
commit b2a2956e0e
4 changed files with 511 additions and 78 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@

View file

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
- request data: `{"password":"whatever"}`
- email with validation token will be sent
- `GET /users/{email}?token={token}` - validate new account
- `GET /users/{email}/token` - retrieve auth token
- `GET /token` - retrieve auth token
- http basic auth
- `?expires={date}` sets an explicit expiration, default is 300 seconds from creation
- `?expires={minutes}` sets an explicit expiration, default is 5 minutes from creation
- response data: `{"token":"whatever"}`
- `DELETE /users/{email}/token` - invalidate current auth token
- `DELETE /token` - invalidate current auth token
- http basic auth
- `GET /users/{email}/pwtoken` - get password change token
- email with password change token will be sent
@ -34,17 +34,16 @@
### Plans
- `PUT /plan/{email}` - update a plan
- request data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever"}`
- request data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever","auth":"token"}`
- omitting `plan` from the payload will delete the existing plan
- `GET /plan/{email}` - retrieve a plan
- `text/plain` by default - raw plan content
- `?format=html` or `Accept: text/html` - plan content with html entity encoding for special characters
- `?format=json` or `Accept: application/json` - response data: `{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever"}`
- `404` if no plan found
- `301` redirect if plan is on a different provider
- `POST /verify/{email}` - verify PGP signature of a plan
- request data: `{"pgpkey":"public key"}`
- response data: `{"plan":"whatever","verified":true}` or `{"verified":false}`
- 404 if no plan found
- `POST /multi` - retrieve multiple plans
- request data: `{"plans":["user1@email.dom","user2@email.dom"],"pgpkeys":{"user1@email.dom":"public key"}}`
- response data: `{"user1@email.dom":{"plan":"whatever","verified":true},"user2@email.dom":{"plan":"whatever","signature":"whatever"}}`
- emails with no plan found excluded from response
- `404` if no plan found
- `308` redirect if plan is on a different provider

View file

@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ killserver() {
if [ "$cmd" = "run" ]; then
elif [ "$cmd" = "daemon" ]; then
perl -d
elif [ "$cmd" = "kill" ]; then
elif [ "$cmd" = "initdb" ]; then

View file

@ -9,8 +9,26 @@ use open qw(:std :utf8);
# Server Configuration
my $server_port = 4227;
my $pid_file = './';
my $server_port = $ENV{'PORT'} || 4227;
my $pid_file = $ENV{'PID_FILE'} || './';
my $log_file = $ENV{'LOG_FILE'} || './dotplan.log';
my $database = $ENV{'DATABASE'} || './users.db';
my $plan_dir = $ENV{'PLAN_DIR'} || './plans';
my $sendmail = $ENV{'SENDMAIL'} || '/usr/bin/sendmail';
my $pw_token_expiration_minutes = $ENV{'PW_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MINUTES'} || 10;
my $auth_token_default_expiration_minutes = $ENV{'AUTH_TOKEN_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_MINUTES'} || 5;
my $minimum_password_length = $ENV{'MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH'} || 8;
my $minimum_email_length = $ENV{'MINIMUM_EMAIL_LENGTH'} || 6;
my $maximum_email_length = $ENV{'MAXIMUM_EMAIL_LENGTH'} || 120;
my $maximum_plan_length = $ENV{'MAXIMUM_PLAN_LENGTH'} || 4096;
my $maximum_signature_length = $ENV{'MAXIMUM_SIGNATURE_LENGTH'} || 1024;
my $hostname = $ENV{'HOSTNAME'};
my $localdomains = {};
if (defined $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}) {
$localdomains->{$_}++ for (split(/,/, $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}));
# Reference Implementation
@ -20,11 +38,26 @@ my $pid_file = './';
package DotplanApi;
use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
use DBD::SQLite;
use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt qw(bcrypt_hash en_base64 de_base64);
# Caching DNS resolver
package Net::DNS::Resolver;
my %cache;
sub query {
my $self = shift;
$cache{"@_"} ||= $self->SUPER::query(@_);
use DBI;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use Net::DNS::Resolver;
use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt qw(bcrypt_hash en_base64);
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use JSON qw(encode_json decode_json);
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities);
use String::ShellQuote qw(shell_quote);
# Common Errors
@ -33,61 +66,79 @@ my $pid_file = './';
my $not_found = encode_json({error => 'Not found.'});
my $not_implemented = encode_json({error => 'Not implemented yet.'});
my $not_allowed = encode_json({error => 'HTTP method not supported.'});
my $not_authorized = encode_json({error => 'Not authorized.'});
my $resp_header = {
200 => 'OK',
301 => 'Moved Permanently',
308 => 'Permanent Redirect',
400 => 'Bad Request',
401 => 'Unauthorized',
404 => 'Not Found',
405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
429 => 'Too Many Requests',
501 => 'Not Implemented',
405 => 'Method Not Allowed'
500 => 'Internal Server Error'
sub net_server { 'Net::Server::Fork' }
# Request Routing
sub handle_request {
my ($self, $cgi) = @_;
# assign a random request id for anonymous logging
my $req_id = util_req_id();
$cgi->param('request_id', $req_id);
my $path = $cgi->path_info();
my $method = $cgi->request_method();
my $host = $cgi->http('X-Forwarded-For') || $cgi->remote_addr();
if ($method eq 'GET') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)$/) {
validate_email($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)\/token$/) {
get_token($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)\/pwtoken$/) {
get_pwtoken($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/plan\/(.*)$/) {
get_plan($1, $cgi);
eval {
util_log("REQ $req_id $method $path");
if ($method eq 'GET') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
validate_email($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/token$/) {
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})\/pwtoken$/) {
get_pwtoken($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/plan\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
get_plan($1, $cgi);
} else {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} elsif ($method eq 'POST') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
create_user($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/verify\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
verify_plan($1, $cgi);
} else {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} elsif ($method eq 'PUT') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
update_password($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/plan\/([^\/]{$minimum_email_length,$maximum_email_length})$/) {
update_plan($1, $cgi);
} else {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} elsif ($method eq 'DELETE') {
if ($path =~ /^\/token$/) {
} else {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} else {
print_response(404, $not_found);
print_response($cgi, 405, $not_allowed);
} elsif ($method eq 'POST') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)$/) {
create_user($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/verify\/([^\/]*)$/) {
verify_plan($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/multi$/) {
} else {
print_response(404, $not_found);
} elsif ($method eq 'PUT') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)$/) {
update_password($1, $cgi);
} elsif ($path =~ /^\/plan\/(.*)$/) {
update_plan($1, $cgi);
} else {
print_response(404, $not_found);
} elsif ($method eq 'DELETE') {
if ($path =~ /^\/users\/([^\/]*)\/token$/) {
delete_token($1, $cgi);
} else {
print_response(404, $not_found);
} else {
print_response(405, $not_allowed);
if ($@) {
print_json_response($cgi, 500, {error => 'An unexpected error occurred.'});
util_log("ERR $req_id $@");
@ -96,47 +147,208 @@ my $pid_file = './';
sub print_response {
my ($code, $body, $type) = @_;
my ($cgi, $code, $body, $type, $redirect) = @_;
my $req_id = $cgi->param('request_id');
my $path = $cgi->path_info();
my $method = $cgi->request_method();
my $host = $cgi->http('X-Forwarded-For') || $cgi->remote_addr();
util_log("RES($code) $req_id $method $path");
my $header = $resp_header->{$code};
if (!defined $type) {
$type = 'application/json';
my $length = length($body);
my $date = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime(time()));
my $redirect_header = '';
if (defined $redirect) {
$redirect_header = "\nLocation: $redirect";
print <<EOF;
HTTP/1.0 $code $header
HTTP/1.1 $code $header
Server: DotplanApi
Date: $date
Content-Type: $type
Content-Length: $length
Content-Length: $length$redirect_header
print "\n$body";
sub print_json_response {
my ($cgi, $code, $data) = @_;
print_response($cgi, $code, encode_json($data));
sub print_html_response {
# TODO: external template
my ($cgi, $code, $content) = @_;
print_response($cgi, $code, <<EOF
<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<title>Dotplan Online</title>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
, 'text/html');
# API Implementation
##### POST /users/{email}
sub create_user { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub create_user {
my ($email, $cgi) = @_;
if ($email !~ /^[^\@]+\@[^\@\.]+\.[^\@]+$/) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => 'Only email addresses of the form {local}@{domain.tld} are supported.'});
} else {
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (defined $user && $user->{'verified'}) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => 'User already exists.'});
} elsif (defined $user->{'pw_token_expires'} && $user->{'pw_token_expires'} >= time) {
print_json_response($cgi, 429, {error => "Please wait up to $pw_token_expiration_minutes minutes and try again."});
} else {
my $password = util_json_body($cgi)->{'password'};
if (!defined $password || length($password) < $minimum_password_length) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => "Password must be at least $minimum_password_length characters long."});
} else {
my $query = (defined $user)
? "UPDATE users SET password=?, pw_token=?, pw_token_expires=datetime('now', '+$pw_token_expiration_minutes minutes') WHERE email=?"
: "INSERT INTO users (password, pw_token, pw_token_expires, email) values (?, ?, datetime('now', '+$pw_token_expiration_minutes minutes'), ?)";
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare($query);
my $crypted = util_bcrypt($password);
$sth->execute($crypted, util_token(), $email);
# TODO: send email
print_json_response($cgi, 200, {email => $email});
##### GET /users/{email}?token={token}
sub validate_email { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub validate_email {
my ($email, $cgi) = @_;
my $token = $cgi->param('token');
if (!defined $token) {
print_html_response(400, 'No token found in request.');
} else {
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (!defined $user || $user->{'verified'}) {
print_html_response(404, 'User not found.');
} elsif ($user->{'pw_token'} ne $token) {
print_html_response(400, 'Bad or expired token.');
} else {
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare('UPDATE users SET verified=1, pw_token=null, pw_token_expires=null WHERE email=?');
print_html_response(200, 'Your email address has been verified.');
##### GET /users/{email}/token
sub get_token { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
##### GET /token
sub get_token {
my $cgi = shift;
my $user = util_get_authenticated($cgi);
if (!defined $user) {
print_response($cgi, 401, $not_authorized);
} else {
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare("UPDATE users SET token=?, token_expires=datetime('now', ?) WHERE email=?");
my $token = util_token();
my $expires = $cgi->param('expires');
my $minutes = $auth_token_default_expiration_minutes;
if ($expires =~ /^\d+$/) {
$minutes = int($expires);
if ($minutes <= 0) {
$minutes = $auth_token_default_expiration_minutes;
$sth->execute($token, "+$minutes minutes", $user->{'email'});
print_json_response($cgi, 200, {token => $token});
##### DELETE /users/{email}/token
sub delete_token { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
##### DELETE /token
sub delete_token {
my $cgi = shift;
my $user = util_get_authenticated($cgi);
if (!defined $user) {
print_response($cgi, 401, $not_authorized);
} else {
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare('UPDATE users SET token=null, token_expires=null WHERE email=?');
print_json_response($cgi, 200, {success => 1});
##### GET /users/{email}/pwtoken
sub get_pwtoken { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub get_pwtoken {
my ($email, $cgi) = @_;
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (!defined $user || !$user->{'verified'}) {
print_html_response($cgi, 404, 'User not found.');
} elsif (defined $user->{'pw_token_expires'} && $user->{'pw_token_expires'} >= time) {
print_html_response($cgi, 429, "Please wait up to $pw_token_expiration_minutes minutes and try again.");
} else {
my $token = util_token();
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare("UPDATE users SET pw_token=?, pw_token_expires=datetime('now', '+10 minutes') WHERE email=?");
$sth->execute($token, $email);
# TODO: send email
print_html_response($cgi, 200, 'Check your email and follow the instructions to change your password.');
##### PUT /users/{email}
sub update_password { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub update_password {
my ($email, $cgi) = @_;
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (!defined $user || !$user->{'verified'}) {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} else {
my $body = util_json_body($cgi);
my $password = $body->{'password'};
my $pwtoken = $body->{'pwtoken'};
if (!defined $pwtoken || !defined $user->{'pw_token'} || !defined $user->{'pw_token_expires'} || $pwtoken ne $user->{'pw_token'} || $user->{'pw_token_expires'} < time) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => 'Bad or expired token.'});
} elsif (!defined $password || length($password) < $minimum_password_length) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => "Password must be at least $minimum_password_length characters long."});
} else {
my $crypted = util_bcrypt($password);
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare('UPDATE users SET password=?, pw_token=null, pw_token_expires=null WHERE email=?');
$sth->execute($crypted, $email);
print_json_response($cgi, 200, {success => 1});
##### PUT /plan/{email}
sub update_plan { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub update_plan {
my ($email, $cgi) = @_;
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (!defined $user || !$user->{'verified'}) {
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
} else {
my $body = util_json_body($cgi);
my $plan = $body->{'plan'};
my $signature = $body->{'signature'};
my $token = $body->{'auth'};
util_log("authenticating $token $user->{token}");
if (!defined $user->{'token'} || !defined $user->{'token_expires'} || !defined $token || $token ne $user->{'token'} || $user->{'token_expires'} < time) {
print_response($cgi, 401, $not_authorized);
} elsif (length($plan) > $maximum_plan_length) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => "Plan exceeds maximum length of $maximum_plan_length."});
} elsif (length($signature) > $maximum_signature_length) {
print_json_response($cgi, 400, {error => "Signature exceeds maximum length of $maximum_signature_length."});
} else {
util_save_plan($email, $plan, $signature);
print_json_response($cgi, 200, {success => 1});
##### GET /plan/{email}
sub get_plan {
@ -144,8 +356,11 @@ EOF
my $plan = util_get_plan($email);
if (defined $plan) {
# found plan, render response
if (defined $plan && defined $plan->{'redirect'}) {
# found external plan service, redirect request
print_response($cgi, 301, encode_json({location => $plan->{'redirect'}}), 'application/json', $plan->{'redirect'});
} elsif (defined $plan) {
# found local plan, render response
my $accept = $cgi->http('Accept');
my $format = lc($cgi->param('format') || $cgi->http('Accept'));
@ -156,37 +371,251 @@ EOF
} elsif ($format eq 'html' || $format eq 'text/html') {
$format = 'text/html';
$body = encode_entities($plan->{'plan'});
$body =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
} else {
$format = 'text/plain';
$body = $plan->{'plan'};
print_response(200, $body, $format);
print_response($cgi, 200, $body, $format);
} else {
print_response(404, $not_found);
print_response($cgi, 404, $not_found);
##### POST /verify/{email}
sub verify_plan { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
##### POST /multi
sub multi_plan { print_response(501, $not_implemented); }
sub verify_plan { shift; print_response(shift, 501, $not_implemented); }
# Utility Functions
# get a database connection
my $_dbh = undef;
sub util_get_dbh {
if (!defined $_dbh) {
$_dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$database", '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
return $_dbh;
# print a line to the log
my $_log = undef;
sub util_log {
my $msg = shift;
my $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
if (!defined $_log) {
open($_log, '>>', $log_file);
binmode($_log, ':unix');
print $_log "$timestamp $msg\n";
# encrypt a password with a provided or random salt
sub util_bcrypt {
my ($password, $salt) = @_;
if (!defined $salt) {
$salt = util_salt();
my $hash = bcrypt_hash({
key_nul => 1,
cost => 8,
salt => $salt
}, $password);
return join('-', $salt, en_base64($hash));
# verify a plaintext password against a password hash
sub util_verify_password {
my ($password, $crypted) = @_;
my ($salt) = split(/-/, $crypted);
my $check = util_bcrypt($password, $salt);
return $check eq $crypted;
# generate a random salt for bcrypt
sub util_salt {
my $itoa64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my $salt = '';
$salt .= substr($itoa64,int(rand(64)),1) while length($salt) < 16;
return $salt;
# validate authorization header and return user from the database
sub util_get_authenticated {
my $cgi = shift;
my $encoded = $cgi->http('Authorization');
if (!defined $encoded || $encoded !~ /^Basic (\S+)/) {
return undef;
$encoded =~ s/^Basic //;
my $auth = undef;
eval {
$auth = decode_base64($encoded);
if ($@ || !defined $auth) {
return undef;
my ($email, $password) = split(/:/, $auth, 2);
if (!defined $email || !defined $password) {
return undef;
my $user = util_get_user($email);
if (!defined $user || !$user->{'verified'}) {
return undef;
return util_verify_password($password, $user->{'password'})
? $user
: undef;
# generate an authorization token
sub util_token {
my $itoa62 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my $token = '';
$token .= substr($itoa62,int(rand(62)),1) while length($token) < 24;
return $token;
# generate a random request id
sub util_req_id {
my $itoa36 = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
my $id = '';
$id .= substr($itoa36,int(rand(36)),1) while length($id) < 8;
return $id;
# get a user from the database by email
sub util_get_user {
my $email = shift;
my $sth = util_get_dbh()->prepare("SELECT email, password, token, strftime('%s', token_expires) AS token_expires, pw_token, strftime('%s', pw_token_expires) AS pw_token_expires, verified, strftime('%s', created) AS created, strftime('%s', updated) AS updated FROM users WHERE email=?");
return $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# save a plan by email
my $_plancache = {};
sub util_save_plan {
my ($email, $plan, $signature) = @_;
my $basename = "$plan_dir/" . shell_quote($email);
if (defined $plan) {
open(my $plan_file, '>', "$basename.plan");
flock($plan_file, LOCK_EX);
print $plan_file $plan;
} elsif (-f "$basename.plan") {
unlink "$basename.plan";
if (defined $plan && defined $signature) {
open(my $sig_file, '>', "$basename.sig");
flock($sig_file, LOCK_EX);
print $sig_file $signature;
} elsif (-f "$basename.sig") {
unlink "$basename.sig";
# invalidate cache
delete $_plancache->{$email} if $_plancache->{$email};
# read a plan from cache or disk
sub util_read_plan {
my $email = shift;
if (!defined $_plancache->{$email}) {
my $basename = "$plan_dir/" . shell_quote($email);
if (-f "$basename.plan") {
my $details = {};
open(my $plan_file, '<', "$basename.plan");
flock($plan_file, LOCK_SH);
local $/;
$details->{'plan'} = <$plan_file>;
if (-f "$basename.sig") {
open(my $sig_file, '<', "$basename.sig");
flock($sig_file, LOCK_SH);
local $/;
$details->{'signature'} = <$sig_file>;
$_plancache->{$email} = $details;
return $_plancache->{$email};
# retrieve a plan by email
my $_dns = new Net::DNS::Resolver();
sub util_get_plan {
my $email = shift;
# return {plan => 'I have no plans & aspirations in life. </sarcasm>'};
return undef;
my ($local, $domain) = split(/\@/, $email, 2);
if (!$localdomains->{$domain}) {
my $reply = $_dns->query("_dotplan._tcp.$domain", 'SRV');
if (defined $reply && $reply->answer > 0) {
my @answer = $reply->answer;
my ($pri, $wgt, $port, $svchost) = split(/\s+/, $answer[0]->rdstring, 4);
$svchost =~ s/\.$//;
my $encoded = uri_escape($email);
if ($hostname ne $svchost) {
return {
redirect => $port == 80
? "http://$svchost/$encoded"
: $port == 443
? "https://$svchost/$encoded"
: "https://$svchost:$port/$encoded"
} else {
return util_read_plan($email);
} else {
return util_read_plan($email);
} else {
return util_read_plan($email);
# decode json post data to an object
sub util_json_body {
my $cgi = shift;
my $json = $cgi->param('POSTDATA') || $cgi->param('PUTDATA');
return decode_json($json);
# Destructor
if (defined $_log) {
if (defined $_dbh) {
# start server in background
my $pid = DotplanApi->new($server_port)->background();
open(my $pidout, '>', $pid_file) || die "Error writing pid: $!";
print $pidout "$pid";
print "Use 'kill $pid' to stop server.\n";
my $daemonize = $ARGV[0] == '-d' if @ARGV > 0;
# start server and fork process as current user
my ($user, $passwd, $uid, $gid) = getpwuid $<;
my $group = getgrgid $gid;
if ($daemonize) {
pid_file => $pid_file,
user => $user,
group => $group
} else {
pid_file => $pid_file,
user => $user,
group => $group