implemented shared caches

This commit is contained in:
Rudis Muiznieks 2020-07-24 00:26:43 -05:00
parent 00537430a9
commit 5da2397f47
3 changed files with 69 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from alpine:latest
run apk add wget libsodium libsodium-dev cmake pkgconfig sqlite unzip build-base libmagic file-dev perl perl-dev perl-app-cpanminus
run cpanm --notest IPC::Run DBD::SQLite Net::DNS::Resolver Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt JSON URI::Escape HTTP::Accept Net::Server HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple::Static Crypt::Random
run cpanm --notest IPC::Run DBD::SQLite Net::DNS::Resolver Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt JSON URI::Escape HTTP::Accept Net::Server HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple::Static Crypt::Random Cache::FileCache
run mkdir -p /tmp/minisign && \
cd /tmp/minisign && \
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ run rm /opt/data/schema.sql
run apk del build-base perl-dev perl-app-cpanminus wget sqlite unzip file-dev cmake pkgconfig libsodium-dev
copy static /opt/static
copy /opt
workdir /opt

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ my $pid_file = $ENV{'PID_FILE'} || './data/';
my $log_file = $ENV{'LOG_FILE'} || './data/dotplan.log';
my $database = $ENV{'DATABASE'} || './data/users.db';
my $plan_dir = $ENV{'PLAN_DIR'} || './data/plans';
my $cache_dir = $ENV{'CACHE_DIR'} || './data/cache';
my $sendmail = $ENV{'SENDMAIL'};
my @sendmail_args = defined $ENV{'SENDMAIL_ARGS'} ? split(/,/, $ENV{'SENDMAIL_ARGS'}) : ();
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ if (defined $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}) {
sub net_server { 'Net::Server::Fork' }
my $webroot = './static';
use Cache::FileCache;
use HTTP::Server::Simple::Static;
use IPC::Run;
use DBI;
@ -58,6 +60,19 @@ if (defined $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}) {
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_unescape);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
# Caches
# cache plans by email
my $_plancache = Cache::FileCache->new({cache_root => $cache_dir, namespace => 'plan', default_expires_in => 3600});
# cache SRV records by domain
my $_srvcache = Cache::FileCache->new({cache_root => $cache_dir, namespace => 'srv', default_expires_in => 3600});
# cache static responses
my $_staticcache = Cache::FileCache->new({cache_root => $cache_dir, namespace => 'static', default_expires_in => 3600});
# Common Errors
@ -169,7 +184,7 @@ if (defined $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}) {
# if no handler, check for static file
if (!$self->serve_static($cgi, $webroot)) {
if (!cached_static_file($self, $cgi, $path)) {
print_response($cgi, 404);
@ -179,9 +194,23 @@ if (defined $ENV{'LOCAL_DOMAINS'}) {
# Response Handler
sub cached_static_file {
my ($server, $cgi, $path) = @_;
my $cached = $_staticcache->get($path);
if (!defined $cached) {
open local(*STDOUT), '>', \$cached;
if (!serve_static($server, $cgi, $webroot)) {
$cached = 0;
$_staticcache->set($path, $cached);
print $cached if $cached;
return $cached;
# Response Handlers
sub print_response {
my ($cgi, $code, $headers, $body) = @_;
@ -585,7 +614,6 @@ EOF
# save a plan by email
my $_plancache = {};
sub util_save_plan {
my ($email, $plan, $signature) = @_;
my $basename = catfile($plan_dir, $email);
@ -609,64 +637,72 @@ EOF
# invalidate cache
delete $_plancache->{$email} if $_plancache->{$email};
# read a plan from cache or disk
sub util_read_plan {
my $email = shift;
if (!defined $_plancache->{$email}) {
my $cached = $_plancache->get($email);
if (!defined $cached) {
my $basename = catfile($plan_dir, $email);
if (-f "$basename.plan") {
my $details = {};
$cached = {};
open(my $plan_file, '<', "$basename.plan") or die $!;
flock($plan_file, LOCK_SH);
my $mtime = (stat($plan_file))[9];
my $timestamp = HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime);
$details->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
$details->{'timestamp'} = $timestamp;
$cached->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
$cached->{'timestamp'} = $timestamp;
local $/;
$details->{'plan'} = <$plan_file>;
$cached->{'plan'} = <$plan_file>;
if (-f "$basename.sig") {
open(my $sig_file, '<', "$basename.sig") or die $!;
flock($sig_file, LOCK_SH);
local $/;
$details->{'signature'} = <$sig_file>;
$cached->{'signature'} = <$sig_file>;
$_plancache->{$email} = $details;
$_plancache->set($email, $cached);
return $_plancache->{$email};
return $cached;
# retrieve a plan by email
my $_dns = new Net::DNS::Resolver();
sub util_get_plan {
my $email = shift;
my ($local, $domain) = split(/\@/, $email, 2);
if (!$localdomains->{$domain}) {
my $reply = $_dns->query("_dotplan._tcp.$domain", 'SRV');
my $cached = $_srvcache->get($domain);
if (!defined $cached) {
my $dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
my $reply = $dns->query("_dotplan._tcp.$domain", 'SRV');
if (defined $reply && $reply->answer > 0) {
my @answer = $reply->answer;
my ($pri, $wgt, $port, $svchost) = split(/\s+/, $answer[0]->rdstring, 4);
my (undef, undef, $port, $svchost) = split(/\s+/, $answer[0]->rdstring, 4);
$svchost =~ s/\.$//;
my $encoded = uri_escape($email);
if ($hostname ne $svchost) {
return {
redirect => $port == 80
? "http://$svchost/$encoded"
$cached = $port == 80
? "http://$svchost"
: $port == 443
? "https://$svchost/$encoded"
: "https://$svchost:$port/$encoded"
? "https://$svchost"
: "https://$svchost:$port";
$_srvcache->set($domain, $cached);
} else {
return util_read_plan($email);
$cached = 0;
} else {
$cached = 0;
if ($cached) {
my $encoded = uri_escape($email);
return {redirect => "$cached/plan/$encoded"};
} else {
return util_read_plan($email);

View File

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ if [ -z "$USE_DOCKER" ]; then
LOG_FILE="$BASEDIR/data/test.log" \
DATABASE="$BASEDIR/data/test.db" \
PLAN_DIR="$BASEDIR/data/plans" \
CACHE_DIR="$BASEDIR/data/cache" \
perl "$BASEDIR/../" -d >>/dev/null
docker build -t dotplan-online-test "$BASEDIR/.."
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ else
-e LOG_FILE="/opt/data/test.log" \
-e DATABASE="/opt/data/test.db" \
-e PLAN_DIR="/opt/data/plans" \
-e CACHE_DIR="$BASEDIR/data/cache" \