#!/bin/sh # CLI for dotplan.online and compatible services. # Prereqs: # - jq, curl, drill or dig # - minisign (optional) # Configure via ~/.dotplan.conf.json: # { # "auth": { # "email": "user@example.com", # "password": "my-password-123", # "provider": "https://dotplan.online" # }, # "relayProvider": "https://dotplan.online" # } version="v0.9.1" config_path=${DOTPLAN_CONFIG_PATH:-"$HOME/.dotplan.conf.json"} minisign_private_key=${DOTPLAN_MINISIGN_PRIVATE_KEY:-"$HOME/.minisign/minisign.key"} plan_path=${DOTPLAN_PLAN_PATH:-"$HOME/.plan"} plan_sig_path=${DOTPLAN_PLAN_SIG_PATH:-"$HOME/.plan.minisig"} usage() { echo "dotplan.online CLI $version" echo "Usage:" echo " dotplan help - print help and exit" echo " dotplan [email] - fetch plan" echo " dotplan [email] [pubkey] - fetch and verify plan" echo " dotplan register - register new account" echo " dotplan publish - publish plan" echo " dotplan edit - edit and publish plan" } error() ( echo "$1" >&2 ) url_encode() ( # https://gist.github.com/1480c1/455c0ec47cd5fd0514231ba865f0fca0 LANG=C string=${*:-$( cat - printf x )} [ -n "$*" ] || string=${string%x} # Zero index, + 1 to start from 1 since sed starts from 1 lines=$(($(printf %s "$string" | wc -l) + 1)) lineno=1 while [ $lineno -le $lines ]; do currline=$(printf %s "$string" | sed "${lineno}q;d") pos=1 chars=$(printf %s "$currline" | wc -c) while [ $pos -le "$chars" ]; do c=$(printf %s "$currline" | cut -b$pos) case $c in [-_.~a-zA-Z0-9]) printf %c "$c" ;; *) printf %%%02X "'${c:-\n}'" ;; esac pos=$((pos + 1)) done [ $lineno -eq $lines ] || printf %%0A lineno=$((lineno + 1)) done ) read_char() ( stty -icanon -echo user_char= eval "user_char=\$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)" stty icanon echo echo "$user_char" ) validate_email() ( # validate {user}@{domain}.{tld} format good_email=0 check_email=$1 # make sure there's something before the @ if [ "${check_email%@*}" = "$check_email" ]; then good_email=1; fi # make sure there isn't a second @ after_at=${check_email#*@} if [ -z "${after_at##*@*}" ]; then good_email=1; fi # make sure there's a tld of some sort if [ -z "${after_at#*.}" ] || [ "${after_at#*.}" = "$after_at" ]; then good_email=1 fi if [ "$good_email" -eq 1 ]; then error "email must be of the form {user}@{domain}.{tld}" fi exit $good_email ) check_curl_resp() { curl_resp=$1 check_key=$2 check_var=$3 curl_error=$(echo "$curl_resp" | $jq -r '.error // empty') if [ -n "$curl_error" ]; then error "error from server: $curl_error" return 1 fi check_val=$(echo "$curl_resp" | $jq -r "$check_key // empty") if [ -z "$check_val" ]; then error "unexpected response from server" error "$curl_resp" return 1 fi if [ -n "$check_var" ]; then eval "$check_var"'=$check_val' fi } get_dotplan_provider() ( email=$1 default_provider=$2 domain="${email#*@}" provider="$default_provider" if [ -z "$provider" ]; then if ! srv=$($drill srv "_dotplan._tcp.$domain" | grep SRV | awk '{if(NF > 0 && substr($1,1,1) != ";") print $NF}'); then srv=; fi if [ -z "$srv" ]; then provider="https://dotplan.online" else provider="https://${srv%*.}" fi fi echo "$provider" ) register() ( printf "Email address: " read -r register_email if ! validate_email "$register_email"; then exit 1; fi stty -echo printf "Password (input hidden): " read -r register_password printf "\n" printf "Confirm password (input hidden): " read -r register_password_confirm stty echo printf "\n" if [ "$register_password" != "$register_password_confirm" ]; then error "passwords did not match" exit 1 fi register_provider=$(get_dotplan_provider "$register_email" "$auth_provider") curl_url="$register_provider/users/$(url_encode "$register_email")" curl_data=$($jq -cn --arg password "$register_password" '{"password":$password}') curl_resp=$($curl -s -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -XPOST -d "$curl_data" "$curl_url") curl_email= if ! check_curl_resp "$curl_resp" ".email" curl_email; then exit 1; fi # emails come from dotplan.online, which will always go to spam echo "$curl_email registered, check your spam to verify" printf "Write auth to %s, Y or N? [N]: " "$config_path" write_config=$(read_char) echo "$write_config" if [ "$write_config" = "y" ] || [ "$write_config" = "Y" ]; then new_config=$($jq --arg email "$register_email" --arg password "$register_password" '.auth.email=$email | .auth.password=$password' < "$config_path") echo "$new_config" > "$config_path" fi ) publish() ( token= publish_provider=$(get_dotplan_provider "$auth_email" "$auth_provider") curl_resp=$($curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' -u "$auth_email:$auth_password" "$publish_provider/token") if ! check_curl_resp "$curl_resp" ".token" token; then exit 1; fi plan_content=$(cat "$plan_path") curl_data=$(jq -n --arg token "$token" --arg plan "$plan_content" '{"plan":$plan,"auth":$token}') if [ -n "$minisign" ]; then echo "signing plan with key $minisign_private_key" if ! $minisign -S -q -s "$minisign_private_key" -x "$plan_sig_path" -m "$plan_path"; then error 'minisign command failed' exit 1 fi plan_sig_content=$(cat "$plan_sig_path") curl_data=$(echo "$curl_data" | jq --arg signature "$plan_sig_content" '.signature=$signature') fi curl_url="$publish_provider/plan/$(url_encode "$auth_email")" curl_resp=$(curl -s -H 'Content-type: application/json' -XPUT -d "$curl_data" "$curl_url") if ! check_curl_resp "$curl_resp" ".success"; then exit 1 else echo "plan published" fi ) edit() ( editor=${EDITOR:-"vi"} if [ -f "$plan_path" ]; then plan_mtime=$(stat -c "%Y" "$plan_path") else plan_mtime=0 fi "$editor" "$plan_path" if [ -f "$plan_path" ]; then plan_new_mtime=$(stat -c "%Y" "$plan_path") else plan_new_mtime=-1 fi if [ "$plan_new_mtime" -gt "$plan_mtime" ]; then publish return $? else error "$plan_path not modified, skipping publish" fi ) fetch() ( fetch_email=$1 fetch_pubkey=$2 if [ -n "$fetch_pubkey" ] && [ -z "$minisign" ]; then error "can't verify signatures, minisign command not found" exit 1 fi fetch_provider=$(get_dotplan_provider "$fetch_email" "$relay_provider") curl_url="$fetch_provider/plan/$(url_encode "$fetch_email")" curl_resp=$($curl -s -L -H 'Accept: application/json' "$curl_url"); plan_content= if ! check_curl_resp "$curl_resp" ".plan" plan_content; then exit 1; fi if [ -n "$fetch_pubkey" ]; then sig_content=$(echo "$curl_resp" | $jq -r '.signature // empty') if [ -z "$sig_content" ]; then error "plan is not signed" exit 1 fi temp_plan_file=$(echo 'mkstemp(template)' | m4 -D template="${TMPDIR:-"/tmp"}/dotplanXXXXXX") temp_sig_file="$temp_plan_file.minisig" printf "%s" "$plan_content" > "$temp_plan_file" printf "%s" "$sig_content" > "$temp_sig_file" minisign -q -Vm "$temp_plan_file" -x "$temp_sig_file" -P "$fetch_pubkey" verify_success=$? rm "$temp_plan_file" "$temp_sig_file" if [ "$verify_success" -ne 0 ]; then error "signature verification failed" exit 1 fi fi echo "$plan_content" ) curl=${DOTPLAN_CURL_PATH:-$(command -v curl)} jq=${DOTPLAN_JQ_PATH:-$(command -v jq)} drill=${DOTPLAN_DRILL_PATH:-$(command -v drill || command -v dig)} minisign=${DOTPLAN_MINISIGN_PATH:-$(command -v minisign)} if [ -z "$curl" ]; then echo "curl command not found"; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$jq" ]; then echo "jq command not found"; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$drill" ]; then echo "drill command not found"; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$minisign" ]; then echo "minisign command not found" echo "signature functionality disabled" elif [ ! -r "$minisign_private_key" ]; then echo "minisign private key $minisign_private_key not found" echo "signature functionality disabled" minisign= fi if [ -r "$config_path" ]; then auth_email=$($jq -r ".auth.email // empty" "$config_path") auth_password=$($jq -r ".auth.password // empty" "$config_path") auth_provider=$($jq -r ".auth.provider // empty" "$config_path") relay_provider=$($jq -r ".relayProvider // empty" "$config_path") else echo "$config_path file not found, using defaults" fi if [ -z "$auth_provider" ]; then auth_provider='https://dotplan.online'; fi if [ $# -gt 2 ] || [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "help" ]; then usage exit fi cmd=$1 if [ "$cmd" = "register" ]; then if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage; exit 1; fi register exit $? elif [ "$cmd" = "publish" ]; then if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$auth_email" ] || [ -z "$auth_password" ]; then echo "auth config missing in $config_path" exit 1 fi if [ ! -r "$plan_path" ]; then echo "$plan_path does not exist or cannot be read" exit 1 fi publish exit $? elif [ "$cmd" = "edit" ]; then if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage; exit 1; fi if [ -e "$plan_path" ] && [ ! -w "$plan_path" ]; then echo "$plan_path exists but is not writeable" exit 1 fi edit exit $? else fetch "$1" "$2" exit $? fi