Kind of abandoned, haven't figured out anything useful or interesting to do with the Zero + OLED bonnet yet.
Updated 2022-12-29 08:17:07 -06:00
DrugWars (DopeWars) clone for the Arduboy.
Updated 2022-07-29 12:52:48 -05:00
A modern, decentralized re-imagining of the Unix plan file. Running at
Updated 2022-07-19 09:56:00 -05:00
A Telescope file picker with default behavior inspired by vim-vinegar and vim-filebeagle.
Updated 2022-03-03 13:01:44 -06:00
ALE linter for Ficdown stories.
Updated 2022-02-22 07:12:32 -06:00
A Telescope extension to open a list of synonyms with definitions for a word.
Updated 2022-01-16 08:29:45 -06:00
A Javascript library that uses CSS to make a website spooky.
Updated 2022-01-16 08:09:11 -06:00
A shell script to interact with dotplan providers.
Updated 2022-01-16 08:07:20 -06:00
A Wombat-based neovim theme built using nvim.lush.
Updated 2022-01-16 07:57:46 -06:00
An incremental game in which you start a cult and must grow it into the dominant world religion.
Updated 2022-01-16 07:48:36 -06:00